I am listing of the visual studio useful shortcuts that I use frequently.

  • My personal favorite is getting quickly to the solution explorer.

    CTRL + ALT + L

  • Fine next feature is very useful for me. I generally highlight a particular variable and then keep pressing F3 with CTRL pressed to find the other occurrences of the variable.

    CTRL + F3

  • To delete a line and also copy at the same time

    CTRL + X

  • Attach to a process is also one of my fvt command line shortcut

    CTRL + ALT + P

  • Another personal fvt of mine is to get suggestions or to add a missing using statement etc

    CTRL + .

  • Paste from the Clipboard, for example you want to paste something you copied a while ago.

    CTRL + SHIFT + P

  • For code formatting I use

    CTRL + K + D

  • For code commenting I use

    CTRL + K + C

  • For multi update one below the other I use

    ALT + SHIFT + (Select the region using cursor)

  • You are working on updating some code and now want to go to next line without using mouse or going to the end and then pressing ENTRE. You can use the below command which will drop you to a new line below the current line you are working on.


  • To debug a test without going to the Test explorer and then searching for the test. You can just navigate to the text and press

    CTRL + R + T

  • To get to the terminal in the Visual Studio I use

    CTRL + `

  • Output window in visual studio is one of my fvt windows in visual studio. To get to it

    CTRL + ALT + O

  • While debugging I love to use the Quick Watch window, where I can play around with some variables etc. To get to the quick watch I use

    CTRL + D + Q

  • WHile debugging I sometimes like to see all the break points. For this I use the below shortcut.

    CTRL + ALT + B

  • While debugging I like to see the call stack, for this I use the below shortcut.

    CTRL + ALT + C

  • Sometimes in lambda expression you want to set breakpoint inside the implementation. For this I use

    CTRL + F9

These are some of my shortcuts I use frequently with Visual Studio. I hope to keep updating the list as and when possible.

Happy learning and improving one day at a time