find Command Some of the common patterns with the find command

  • iname for case insensitive search and -mtime/-atime for last modified time or when any file attributes were updated.
      find . -iname *.txt -mtime +5
      find . -iname *.txt -atime -5
  • type is for type of the resource like f for file, d for directory, l for symbolic link
      find . -type f -iname *.txt
  • print adds a trailing new line to each results and print0 adds a trailing null at the end of the each results. It is useful when a file has spaces.
      find . -iname *.txt print 
      find -iname *.txt print0
  • This command can be used to find all the file greater than 1GB file size.
      find . -iname *.txt -size +1G
  • This command can be used to find all the files that a user can access.
      find . -type f -user yash -print
  • This command find any file which is great than 1GB in size and it will redirect the “permission denied” errors to the /dev/null so that your output will be clean.
      sudo find . -iname '*.*' -size +1G 2>/dev/null

Happy learning and improving one day at a time